Foreword: why this website ?

The gallery of pictures   


Communities of diatoms living on sandy sediments  

Index of the illustrated taxa

Lists of the collected taxa

The plastids of diatoms

A check-list of the Mastogloia Thwaites ex W. Sm. species from the Mediterranean area.

Marine Mastogloia Thw. ex W. Sm. species from a North-Eastern Atlantic island (Ile de Groix, Bretagne) (Loir, 2016)

Six new diatom species from sublittoral and circalittoral sandy sediments of South Brittany (Genus Catenula Mereschkowsky ?)

Two new diatom species from sandy sediments: Achnanthes sp. cf. brockmannii Simonsen and A. sp. aff. brockmannii Simonsen